Person-to-Person Payments

Send money to anyone electronically via our website or app. Initial set-up takes a few minutes, but will be worth the time you save later!   

Get Started from Your PC

  • Login to Internet banking and click Move money in the blue bar at top of screen.
  • Click Payments from drop down.
  • Click + New Payee/Add a Person.
  • Enter Payee Information (requires Payee name, phone number, email and a shared keyword for your Payee -you will need to share this keyword with your Payee to complete activation).
  • Confirm your password to continue.
  • Once activated, the Payee will appear on your dashboard/Pay a person.
  • Enter amount to pay and date (if after 2:00 pm you will need to use the next business day), click pay.
  • Status will show as Pending until the Person/Payee completes the activation.  Smile - you’re done!

Get Started from Your Phone

To make a P2P payment from your phone, you must be enrolled in Internet banking and have the Clear Lake Bank & Trust app downloaded on your device. People you are paying do not need to be Clear Lake Bank & Trust customers. The set-up process needs to be done only once per payee.

  • Login to our app.
  • Go to Menu/Payments.
  • Payee + to Add on.
  • Enter password
  • Select Person
  • Enter Payee/Person information (requires Payee name, nickname, phone number, email and shared keyword (you create and share with friend). Nickname used will appear on the Payee email, so be nice!
  • Payee added successfully, (payee will need the shared keyword to activate so shoot them a text or call and say hi!)
  • Go to Payments screen.
  • Your Payee should now be in your list of Payees.
  • Select Payee, account to debit, amount, date, memo (optional). Submit.
  • Status will show as Pending until the Person/Payee completes the activation.  Smile - you’re done!
money arching between two phones