Financial Fitness Checklist

Earn a point for each item that you say yes to. 

❏ I have enough money to pay my bills each month.
❏ I take advantage of resources available to help meet my needs (tax credits, community programs, Medicare, public assistance, & unemployment benefits).

❏ I have a good idea of how much money I spend each month.

❏ I have a spending plan, and I stick to it.

❏ I plan for expenses that only come once or twice a year and have enough money for them when needed.

❏ I have an emergency savings account with enough money to cover 3 to 6 months of my living expenses.

❏ I know about how much money I owe.

❏ I spend no more than 20% of my monthly income on credit payments (car payments, credit cards, & other debts; excluding my house payment or mortgage).

❏ I have reviewed my credit report.

❏ I use credit only to pay for things that last longer than the payments.

❏ I know the interest rate and finance charges for my credit accounts.

❏ My credit score is higher than 720.

❏ I pay more than the minimum payment on my credit card bills each month.

❏ I shop around to compare costs of major purchases and credit offers.

❏ I know the approximate value of the things I own.

❏ I calculate my net worth (assets minus debts) every year.

❏ My net worth has generally increased over the past four years.

❏ I have adequate insurance (auto, home, renter’s, life, health, and disability).

❏ I keep my financial records well organized.

❏ I pay my bills timely every month.

❏ I balance my bank account each month.

❏ I have carefully thought about my financial goals for the future.

❏ I have a will.

❏ I save money on a regular basis for long-term financial goals (my children’s education, a house, or retirement).

❏ If I bought my vehicle with a loan, the vehicle is worth more than I owe on the loan.

Financial Fitness Results

Count up the number of 'yes' answers to get your score.
If you scored 0-8 — It is never too late to take steps to improve your finances. We recommend that you meet with one of CLB&T’s financial experts. Contact us to make an appointment.

If you scored 9-12 — You are possibly headed for financial difficulty. Now is the time to take action and get back on financial track. Connect with one of our bankers to get on track.

If you scored 13-16 — You are doing a fair job of managing your finances and have taken some steps in the right direction.

If you scored 17-20 — You are doing a good job and are above average in managing your finances.

If you scored 21-25 — You are in excellent financial shape. Keep up the good work!